Friday, June 29, 2007

The Pain, the pain...sigh!

Sigh!!!!! have to go to Sudan again next choice as its part of a deal I made in exchange for approved leave for me to take wifey on a shopping binge in Bangkok.

Wifey has been making snide remarks for some time now....remarks like:
You still remember your sons?
You remember their names?
Can you recognize your sons if you see them?

Wah Lau Eh...really kena cha kaulat from much so that my balls are starting to hurt!

I don't really blame her though...have been travelling a lot these 2 months and seldom at home. I can imagine her face when I tell her that I have to go to Sudan in order for me to take her to Bangkok...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....

Neways, thats part of my scope of work as a lorry driver which is loosely translated to = Jack"ass" Of All Trades and Master Of None...

Hope everything turns out well....wish me luck dude and dudettes...

2 every1 his/her OWN.........................


penjaga meter said...

hhahaahahaha have fun...!!!!

Jamie said...

thanks....pls keep this bit of news from you know who ok?